Friday 24 June 2011

Analysis of Three professional music videos

Ed Sheeran- The A Team

Bird sounds begin to play whilst a woman is crying, this shot was a close up shot. When it zooms out we than begin to see the reason to why she is crying, another woman is lying on the ground could she be dead? A birds eye view shot is than shown on the woman who is lying on the floor. The video than becomes blur to jump straight into the shot of the woman lying on a bench which could show her being homeless. The artist begins to sing but you cant see him, a low angle shot is shown to show the woman walking through the park. The video is in black and white which i feel works well with the song. Her emotions are shown through this video and how she is living life simple as she is dressed in a hoodie with a jacket (outlines the weather too), low shot shown as she walks through the streets. Relating to the song she's left pale skin and we now see she is homeless and trying to make a living by handing out free books which the song says "best things in life come free to us". The artist is now shown in his music video helping her out by giving her money and taking one of the books. As the singer sings "for angels to fly" they film a board saying improving the angel, how she can improve her lifestyle. The speed increased as she stands still watching the cars go by. The shot is used again as she sits on the pavement watching people go by and not giving her any money, leaving her hopeless. The shot is than changed from a side angle. A close up shot is than shown as she beginning to cry, this can make the audience feel sorry for her. A shot shown of her in the mirror trying to fix her self up, it than shows her selling her body to a guy which in the song it relates too, "sells love to another man". I like the shot when shes walking in the hotel and the hall way is rounded which I would want to include in my filming of my video. It than shows her taking a substance and feeling light headed when the songs ends with "angels to fly"

Rizzle Kicks - Down With The Trumpets

Begins with a close up on a cassette which an older audience can relate to as the new generation do not use cassette tapes now. The music only begins when the artists both appear on a boom box which shows the century in which they wanted to film. The camera does a tilt anti clockwise. Than a graphic match is shown from them been in a bedroom filled with posters changed to been outside on a felid, with a row of huts in the background. Another location is than added with a medium tracking shot of both singers walking down the beach strip. Having movements that relate to their lyrics as well. Quick two second shot panning around the bedroom with posters of the artist and trumpets. Long shot than seen as the two singers are standing by the huts a guy walks past dancing to their boom box which is seen throughout the video. More characters are added dancing quick scene change from front to back view of them. A guy walks past with a trumpet movements up and down which highlight the whole song. Another pan round one of the singers when his outside on the beach front. The speed is decreased as the guy chases both singers and works effectively in the music video. Another location behind houses, this video comparing to the one below (Wretch 32) uses more variety of locations which shows how the singers are going about with their day and travelling along, some might say causing a bit of trouble. Another effective shot is tracking shot when one of the singers does a press up on the ground. This shot is used for a good amount of time showing different locations of the singers falling onto different surfaces. The video ends with the singers on a medium shot back in the bedroom dancing about.

Wretch 32 ft Josh Kumra - Dont Go
The music video begins with the numbers 32 representing the artist, camera then pans downwards left showing the artist. Music than begins as words apear "Life is..." which is a powerful statement for the audience watching to finish the sentence.Long shot is used to show the artist, while watching this song you understand the lyrics as the quick shots of different peolpe represent a painted image behind them on the wall, for example a girl has wings where she is standing in front of a wall, as for the artist he has a question mark behind him as the lyrics say "I dont know why you choose me". A great shot was used as the artist was walking towards a crowd, this could be representing that he is not a follower and his walking alone as he has achieved his goals alone. When watching this music video i can see the gender of more males than females as the females there are three main girls who cut through showing an image painted on the wall, the male are shown singing the lyrics and making a connection with the camera. The body language in this music video is very calm and positive, by doing this you can understand the message of the video of how you got to work hard and aim higher to reach your goals and how the new generation can be, by having a young boy with angel behind him. The locations seems very limited although it has alot of quick shots and the locations represents the song and its message, the artist is not worried about materialism in this video but more about getting the message acrossed.

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