Tuesday 28 June 2011

Target Audience, Uses and Gratifications, dyers Utopian Solutions and Maslow's Hierrchy of needs

My Target Audience: Teenagers would be who i would want to target our video too as there is so much sterotypes of the new generation, to send a message through our video instead of showing what you should have and what is the latest but instead what you should aim for. Been able to question your targert audience and give them a reason to aim high.
Gender: I wouldnt put it to one specfic gender as i would want it to relate to both sexes but in different ways and reasons. Our video should contain different events and also showing fantasy of how Alice in the wonderland is becoming crazy and taking substances. We thought of this idea as he sings "did we chase the rabbit into wonderland. Uses of gratification's showing escapism and showing how she's in another world. 

Theory- Uses and grattfications...
-finding out about relevant events and conditions in immediate surroundings, society and the world
-seeking advice on practical matters or opinion and decision choices
-satisfying curiosity and general interest
-learning; self-education
-gaining a sense of security through knowledge
Personal Identity
-finding reinforcement for personal values
-finding models of behaviour
-identifying with valued other (in the media)
-gaining insight into one's self
Integration and Social Interaction
-gaining insight into circumstances of others; social empathy
-identifying with others and gaining a sense of belonging
-finding a basis for conversation and social interaction
-having a substitute for real-life companionship
-helping to carry out social roles
-enabling one to connect with family, friends and society
-escaping, or being diverted, from problems
-getting intrinsic cultural or aesthetic enjoyment
-filling time
-emotional release
Richard Dyer’s Utopian Solutions Theory
Richard Dyer states that people will respond to a media text if it offers them compensation for the inadequacies in their own lives. Through the media audiences can vicariously live their lives and fulfill their wants and needs, leading them to strive to a utopian life.

This is his ‘Utopian Solutions’ theory:

Inadequacy Solution
Isolation Social networking
Confusion Clarity
Boredom Excitement

Maslow's hierarchy
Maslow hierarchy theory is all about team motivation and keeping the morale in the team by rewarding them aswell. A classic treatment of motivation is that of Abraham Maslow as expressed in his "Hierarchy of Needs." According to this theory, there are five principle layers of needs, beginning with the most basic physiological needs. As each layer of need is satisfied, the layer above becomes the prime motivator.
-Sustenance - basic physical needs such as food, water, shelter, air, sleep.
-Safety and Security - a safe environment, stability, job security, protection.
-Belonging and Love - friends, spouse, family, a sense of community.
-Esteem - respect from others, recognition, status, attention, reputation, as well as, self-respect, competency, confidence, achievement,
-Self-actualization - autonomy, acceptance of self and others.

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