Thursday 23 June 2011

Copyright permission letter

Dear Copyright Holder,

We are A-level students and we are writing to request your permission to use one of the latest tracks by Example. The track we wish to use is Stay Awake.
With your permission, this task would be used in our current A-level media studies project, which involves creating a music video to a popular music track, as well as producing an album and a magazine advert for the artist.
If we received your permission , this track would only be used in an educational context and be viewed by our media class, our teacher and the QCR exam board moderator. It would not be released to a large audience.
The artist and your company would of course be fully recognised throughout pre- production and the final video itself. A copyright notice with wording supplied by you can be included in the records of the project. If this required, please send full details.

Many thanks,
Sabrina Porter
James Fransham
Lucy Hyner
Sam Dempster

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