Friday 16 September 2011


Choosing to do our music video Example - Stay awake, deciding on who should be our lead singer and what other characters should be invovled. As a group we decided to use Roger Dos Santos (Pupil from our school) he fitted best to sing for our video, he already does music and knows how to become a certain character we needed him to be for this type of music video. The theme became all about Alice in the wounderland and how we can portray her through this music video and inlcude a new generation to the story of how alice can be stuck in her own world, one of our members in the group Lucy Hyner became another actor in our music video. We than decided these were our main two characters.
Wanting Roger in Black and white throughout the music video it was best decided that he would be dressed in a plain grey t-shirt and black skinny jeans with a snapback hat to represent his album cover called "The league of a Champion". With Alice we wanted her in the blue and white dress throughout the video but she would be in colour adding different accessories each time we film.
With Roger the location will be held in the green room, With Lucy (Alice) our first location will be in the forest in Belmont where we can shoot her going crazy and walking down into the forest. Another location we want to film in is in Camden Town as it fits right in with our theme.

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